Thursday, June 25, 2015


I rebuilt houses in the Garden State after 9/11.

A kitchen wall fell by sledgehammer and trees were revealed beyond the backyard.

House became stage with the invisible fourth wall gone.

The woods are lovely but I have miles to go before I sleep, I whispered as if in a dream the words of Robert Frost. Will anyone hear the sound of his poetry in the forest of words? Are We, The People all on the same page?

I left the sledgehammer behind on a break and went deep into the mystery of the woods. I climbed up the side of a steep hill to a rock plateau. I stood up in the heights and saw an army of tall trees as the sun fell to Earth in shades of autumn gold.  

There was no sense of year, month and date of day. It was any moment in any century. I traveled without movement as the boy I was had done before by words in books.

Wish you were here.

Welcome to the stories of our lives.

Welcome The Public Library.

Copyrighted 2015 By Daniel Angel Aponte

Friday, February 20, 2015

Arch Angels Of Journalism

Once upon a time, I carried Anne Frank in my arms in the valley of shadows of burnt-out buildings and bullies in the echoes of I have a dream. I was a sixth grade mild-mannered reporter with a tape recorder, a birthday present to me and to interviewed people with smiles gone beyond borders of faces when the boy I was said,” For CBS News, I’m Danny Aponte reporting from The South Bronx” I was a real terror made so by Bob Simon, Mike Wallace and I don’t have 60 minutes to name names in The Blame Game.

Thank you all, Arch Angels Of Journalism.

Jane! Stop This Crazy Media Thing by Danny Aponte of Public School 161
An essay on Freedom of Speech to sing songs like a canary in a coalmine
Copyrighted in The South Bronx of Graffiti from Here To Eternity!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

let me give you a piece of my mind

Blindfolded boy swung a light sword to hit a piƱata made in the shape of a human brain. 

One lucky crack released an audience of kids with arms to sunny sky to catch Blu-Rays in a backyard on Story Avenue in The South Bronx. 

It gave me heartache to find words to write real

I rather watch a movie.

That means next Great American Novel is a sound bite on Social Media

And pretty picture…

…Fade to black and Love Will Tear Us Apart sung by Joy Division


North Korea likes Joy Division

Art & Text by Danny Aponte of Public School 161

Copyrighted 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

And Now The Story Can Be Blogged

Why did the rooster on a box of Kellogg’s Cornflakes run across the road?

To get away from me, a cereal killer!

Got milk?